As many of you know, I absolutely adore cats. And for far too long I have been without a furry little friend! Which has left me feeling incomplete and bereft. I firmly believe that a home is just not a home without a cat!
Well, I am so happy to introduce you to my new nest friend. Her name is Chibi.
Chibi is just over 4 months old and too beautiful for words. She’s a gorgeous tabby/calico with an amazing variety of colors in her super sleek soft fur.
The first night we had her (Just this Tuesday!) she pretty much hid under the bed all night. I wanted her to get to know my voice, so I laid on my tummy and played a string game with her while she got her bearings. After we went to sleep, she felt comfortable enough to wander the house and jump up on the bed purring like a little furnace stepping all over our heads and pillows intermittently throughout the night.
I was too happy to notice the lack of sleep, but my hunny sure did. He was a very grumpy man that morning when we finally got up! I love him so much for making all of this possible. He gave up his computer room (which is more like a big closet), so that we could have a space for her litter box and food. He rearranged the furniture in the bedroom to make room for his computer, built a desk, built shelves and is generally amazing! He helped me w/ the monetary costs and of course driving me around to get all the supplies needed. Best Man Ever!!!!
The next morning, Chibi was pretty meowy because she didn’t like the food we got for her. So we rushed off to the Pet Store before work to try some new brands (which have been successful!)! I then had to work a painstakingly long 8 hour shift before rushing home to check on my new friend! Andy told me she spent most of the day under the bed again, except for popping out one or two times so I was a little worried I might be spending the night on my tummy again! Especially because last night (Wednesday night) is Andy’s weekly D&D night. Which means, lots of loud obnoxious boys! So I took my computer and settled on the bed, shut the door and started singing.
2 Within a few minutes she jumped up on the bed and joined me!! We played for a bit with string, (of which I got some pretty cute video) and then she snuggled up to me and we had a serious cuddle session for an hour or so.
She’s still a little skittish, who will bolt back to the bed at any loud noises, but in 24 hours she’s come a very long way. It’s funny how a little fuzzball can really pull our heart strings like nothing else. She’s been running around the living room like crazy as I write this, a little ball of energy and merps. So I just know she’s going to be happy here! And I’m happy! And Andy’s happy that I’m happy! And everything is wonderful!
I will leave you here with a picture of her adorable little paw.
Peace out!
- Her Adoptive name was technically Pretty Lady, but the wonderful Foster Family she was with started calling her Chibi and I think it’s adorable and she responds to it! So Chibi it is! [↩]
- Why? I don’t know if cats like singing or not, but it seems kind of soothing for them [↩]
Originally published at
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