What am I doing?

May 17, 2010 14:14

Where am I going?

Well, no where really, but that’s ok.

Life in the new house is treating me fantastic.  I’ve gone from living in a little bachelors pad eating take out frequently to cooking proper meals for my hunny and I 5 nights a week.  My two exceptions being Tuesday Lost nights (which are almost over omggggggg) with my mummy, and Crochet Club with Joules on Thursday.  We got a new dining room table (<3 UsedVictoria), and sold our old little one, so now our place is perfect.  (Well almost, Andy would say it won’t be perfect till he gets his new telle he’s been eyeing for the last few years)   We paid our property taxes last week and oh my goodness, being a home owner sure ain’t cheap! 

I’ve been trying to get back into crocheting since my long hiatus after Christmas and packing etc.  Everyone and their mum’s are telling me to get working on Twin Love.  And I want to! But there’s another component of that I’m waiting for, *cough The other TWIN cough* to really get going.  I don’t want to do it all on my own.

Made a couple cute guys, and some slippers.  I’ve been working on some baby things too as everyone is having babies!  But I forgot to take pics of some of the cute little items I’ve already gifted.

This is Cactalina! Isn’t she cute?  I want to sit around all day and make cactus gardens.

And this is my wee little Jelly overlord! Wah!

And these are my feeties.

The picture was taken at night with some lamp light so it doesn’t do the pretty green wool justice. They’re quite cozy!

Other than living the domestic life, (baking banana muffins included!), and crafting, I’m just chilling, reading the news obsessively and enjoying every minute of life i can.  I know I’ve neglected this blog a bit, I’ve been posting more frequently in my political blog, but I’ll keep at it.  I always do!

Oh, and that reminds me.  I went to a book reading a few weeks back and ran into an old friend from way back.  She introduced me to her brother who said something like, “Oh! The author of Crumpled Paper!” .  His daughter and him used to be fans
 I’ve been wanting to get back into drawing and now that I’m not living out of my purse I have no excuse!  Now I just have to remember how to draw 

Hope life is treating you all well too! 

Originally published at Crumpled Paper. You can comment here or there.

love, twin, lost, productivity, mum, cute, awesome, crochet, craft, housework

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