Jul 22, 2004 04:46
On a lighter note...
ByEyes: with my aggrivating games
sahxc: ahhah
sahxc: they inspire band names
ByEyes: tyler told me about that!
sahxc: yes
ByEyes: i felt really cool haha
sahxc: TITS
sahxc: hahaha
ByEyes: haha
sahxc: dude i love TITS
sahxc: we played with TITS last night...
ByEyes: dude i inspired TITS
sahxc: Sam is the reason why TITS are so big
ByEyes: hahaha yes!
sahxc: hahah
ByEyes: they loved TITS so much, they named the band after it.
sahxc: yesssss
sahxc: they did
sahxc: TITS are awesome
sahxc: i especially love it when TITS are in my mouth...wait...
sahxc: that doesnt check out
ByEyes: i haven't seen TITS
ByEyes: haha no it doesn't
sahxc: :-\
sahxc: hahah
sahxc: TITS are really amazing
sahxc: im serious
ByEyes: dude i want to see TITS sometime
ByEyes: seriously
sahxc: TITS are really heavy
sahxc: hahah
sahxc: and TITS just keep getting bigger and bigger every month
ByEyes: haha
sahxc: every time TITS play, more and more people want to see them
sahxc: " i've come to see TITS in action!"
ByEyes: i just want to see them because they're TITS
sahxc: "i want to see TITS up close and personal"
sahxc: hahah
sahxc: TITS are my good friends
sahxc: i enjoy their company
ByEyes: haha i don't know if i know all of TITS or not
Hahaha. So TITS = This is The Sun... which is the best game ever, and the new name of Tyler's band.