Sep 02, 2020 10:11
I think it's going to be an awkward little bit since I am quitting coffee again. Anything I have to do for the ensurance of the baby will just have to be done. I feel a little irritable right now despite not having a reason to or a bad day; it's just a mood that has swept over me and will hopefully soon pass. I continue to be hopeful but I am anxious for next Tuesday to come and see if the second pregnancy test pops positive so I can get the ball rolling. If it doesn't pop positive than I will likely call my PCP and ask for a lab pregnancy test to be sure. Part of my bitchiness though is dealing with the whiner, I have things I want to go do and get done and she just doesn't want to go OR she is asking for everything under the sun. When my patience is short that's hard for me to deal with in a kind manner. I hope these feelings pass though. No one has done anything wrong, my day isn't bad, there's really no reason for this. Although, I really wish I would stop sneezing right now; I'm on sneeze 10 so far.