
Jun 13, 2007 06:58

I guess it's funny how we can miss some of the things that are, at least on the personal scale, quite significant, when writing in these things. It occurred to me tonight at work that there is one thing going on that might be worthy of mention as being significant to me.

To some of you it'll be old news, but I'm a big fan of certain web comics (Misfile, Namir Deiter, You Say It First, Red String and Oriyan are my favorites). So a while ago Becca and I got it into our head to see what we could come up with by way of ideas for comics. Mostly it was my thing to begin with and I had several interesting ideas, though I never settled down enough to do more than a page or so of any given one... Well, one of my ideas really caught her and since I can't seem to concentrate enough to write and draw a comic, I gave over the writing of it to her and I'm sticking to the art. (And idea works. Bwahahahah. All the fun stuff.) Anyways, we're calling it Maerchen, right now, which is the German word for fairy tale, which is actually a play on words because while there's a minor resemblance between certain characters and fairy tale archetypes, it's actually mainly a story about... fairies. Sortuv. Anyways, when we get to 10 pages she promised to put together a web site for it. Right now we've got the title page, page 1, and page 2 inked. I'm working on page 3 and page 4 & 5 are sketched, but not yet in the inking process. I've also got a few neat character shots inked, but they'd be more in the nature of chapter dividers or something, as planned. But yeah, things are going better than I thought they would. Apparently I'm more talented than I want when I make myself sit down and draw things, even if they're 'hard' at times. Looking forward to posting a link to the site, hopefully in about two weeks.

- J. A.
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