Jun 12, 2007 08:29
Not much to say. Becca's still working her way through the 100 dogs necessary to complete her portfolio so she can go on commission... I'm still working at the toll road spending most of my time reading/writing/drawing on the job since third shift is about as active, for the most part, as the graveyard it's named for.
Sat here for the last half hour doing nothing, so instead of attempting a further report of my life, I give you a brief glimpse into what characters I'm playing lately. *ooooh. ahhhhh*
That's right. I've been cheating on Daedal with another MUD.
Gerhart - Gerhart is a barbarian, not my usual style, but now and then I try to do something a bit different. Not human but 'kaldar'(Big, strong, viking-ishp humans...) he came to the Crossing more or less on a whim to see what the big city was like. Somewhat to his surprise, he finds the place to his taste. Prefers large swords over perhaps more traditional (but similarly large) axes for a viking. ... Doesn't really look like a viking with his amber eyes, copper skin and very long braid of curly red hair.
Tammas - Tammas was my first experiment with a moon mage on Dragonrealms. Moon mages are the only class with absolutely no combat requirements. ... Tammas does a good bit of combat. Specializes in creating weapons out of moonlight, and occasionally detonating them while they're stuck in an enemy. He's a bit of a wallflower, socially, but he sees more than he admits. Honey colored hair, fair skin and dark eyes.
Celamwyr - Cel's an oddball and again not really up my alley. I thought after reading the new troll helpfile that I might try my hands at a somewhat feral nature oriented troll. Results are still in question, since he's only level 12 and not likely to raise much. Green skin and eyes, black hair. Perhaps less wart-covered than the 'average' troll.
Valvaise - My current big project. An amnesiac solar who's only memory of her past is a strong certainty that she doesn't want to remember it. To distance herself from that possibility she turned to Ramuh to become an elemental, not realising she'd be unable to fly thereafter. Since flying was strong part of her personality, she was odd for a while afterwards, but now she's adjusting. Currently she looks like a baby sephilim(If there were baby sephilim...) about four feet tall and cast out of a variety of metals and elements. If she matures to an air elemental I'll probably go to something marginally closer to her original description. If earth, I'll probably go with a woman sculpted out of gold and silver sort of thing. Unsure. Only current female character. I've had a ball playing her though.
- J. A.