Feb 27, 2010 02:25

« application « taken characters « rules « handbook « faq « intro

♔ What is the premise?

Crepuscular is an alternate-universe prose-heavy roleplay based on the 2010 movie Daybreakers. The beginning of the game starts in the beginning of 2019.

In 2009, a previously unheard-of virus was transmitted to a ten year old girl ("Patient Zero") through the bite of a vampire bat ("Desmodus Rotundus"). The virus transformed Patient Zero, changing her into a vampire. Through several incidents involving Patient Zero, the virus quickly began spreading, until, in 2015, the majority of the human population had been transformed into vampires. Vampires are a species completely identical to humans in most of their appearance and basic genetics, but the transformation of their DNA has changed their bodies in several unique ways.

However, the virus did not affect only humans: it changed a large portion of the animal world as well, severely limiting the global blood pool. Due to the strict proportion of blood to the vampire population, humans (those who refused to assimilate or were immune to the virus) have become second-class citizens who are hunted and farmed for their blood supply. Forced into hiding, humans survive on meager supplies on the edge of Necropolis, leeching off the community in order to repopulate their species.

The setting of the roleplay takes place in the previously-mentioned fictional city dubbed Necropolis, where the headquarters of the Bromley-Marks blood storage and pharmaceutical company thrives at the heart of the city. Vampires from all corners of the world have built their homes around the company, who is the only consistently reliable supplier of human blood. Humans have followed this large population of vampires, hoping to gather the crumbs of civilized society to continue their finite lives.

♔ Vampires?

Yes. However, these vampires do not sparkle. Though they share the basic genetics of humans, they have evolved far beyond their previous species. Vampires are all sanguinary, or bloodthirsty, receiving nourishment and surviving purely off of blood. For detailed information about the types of vampires involved in this roleplay, please see the Bromley-Marks handbook.

♔ What fandoms are allowed?

Simply put: any and all are allowed.

♔ How many characters can I play?

For now, the minimum is four. If you can remain consistently active, you are allowed to apply for two more characters (though only one character can be applied for at a time.)

♔ Alternate-universe?

Yes. That means all characters applied for in this roleplay have been in this world their whole lives (though not necessarily in Necropolis itself). You are free to make your AU background as you see fit, though we would prefer if it held parallels to the character's canon. Remember: just because this is an AU does not mean you can completely change a character's personality. If you would like to integrate your character's background with another character's, feel free to (with that character's mun's permission, of course.) If your character has a shady or mysterious background, you are certainly allowed to embellish or create your own as long as it remains consistent with the character's personality and established canon.

♔ Are supernatural abilities allowed?

Of course. Being a vampire already means a character's natural senses, agility, and regenerative abilities are vastly improved over their human conterparts. Furthermore, the virus creates different "powers" for different individuals - some can read minds, some can create fire, etc. Though the setting of Crepuscular does not allow for spell-casting abilities, you are welcome to translate these abilities into the equivalent of genetic modifications (such as in the world of X-Men).

♔ Can my character die?

Absolutely. Vampires like to call themselves immortal, but they are not exempt from death. [See the Bromley-Marks handbook for how vampires are subject to death.] Humans are much, much more susceptible to death. If your character dies, they are not coming back (unless, of course, that death is only part of the transformation.)

♔ What about the transformation?

You can handle the transformation of vampire to human however you see fit in the character's AU background... or you can apply as a human and be transformed mid-game. The transformation, however, does require an established vampire to bite your character without killing them. The victim of this attack will suffer a "mortal death" (all of their organs will shut down, the heart will stop beating, and the blood left over from being human will begin to be absorbed), anywhere from an hour to a few days from the time of the attack. Upon being transformed, the newborn must immediately begin drinking blood daily.

♔ So... how about that blood?

Blood is what keeps your (vampiric) character alive. They can either donate humans to Bromley-Marks, open a blood account with the aforementioned company, or harbor a human (the latter which is very illegal and will be harshly punished if the vampire harboring a human is outed or caught). Blood must be consumed at least once a day, and at least 10-15 ounces a day (an equivalent of two-three wine glasses). This limit, however, is the bare minimum that can be consumed. Blood can be stored in modified refrigerators at your character's home or be withdrawn from a Bromley-Marks blood bank daily, Monday through Sunday, from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. (12 a.m to 4 a.m on Sundays).

Animal blood is also available, if your character is so inclined, through either local (natural) wildlife and at a low cost at Bromley-Marks blood banks. Though a large majority of the world's wildlife has also been transformed by the virus, many species were killed off either by the virus itself or by exposing themselves to sunlight (the leading cause of forest fires world-wide). Animal blood is, of course, a much lower grade than human blood and is not as fulfilling and tasteful.

♔ How does time pass here in comparison to real time?

There are, of course, two sides to a 24-hour day: daytime and nighttime. A period of two weeks is given to each, and a post will be thrown up on the OOC community to warn of the next "shift".

IMPORTANT: Vampires can operate during the day, but will be sluggish and tired and absolutely MUST avoid direct sunlight at all costs. Humans can operate during the night, but are at risk of being discovered by any watchful vampires. This "shift" system was created in order to give human characters and vampire characters an equal amount of time to operate.

♔ What are Subsiders?

Subsiders are a myth. There is absolutely nothing to fear.

Questions about anything? Feel free to post them here, and they'll be answered soon.

!mod, !faq

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