Bad Boys, Bad Boys...

Jun 19, 2005 15:08

Whatcha gonna do?... Oh my have I had the most insane yet wonderful and still miserable at the same time kind of weekend. I don't even know how to begin to describe it. I guess we'll just start at the beginning...

I was eager to get out of Wichita for awhile, I haven't been back to KC in nearly two months and haven't seen a lot of friends in a long time. My friend Megan who moved to Portland more than a year and a half ago, was in Topeka visiting her family and it had been a long time since we've hung out... like three years or some long ass time like that. Work was dreadful on Friday, time just felt like it was standing still, but finally I left and decided to take a quick power-nap before taking off. I woke up about 20 minutes after what I'd set my alarm for, but running late is nearly a given. Drove up to Topeka, picked up Megan and headed off to Lawrence. It was great getting the chance to catch up with her.. <3. We grabbed a bite to eat with my sis, Noel, and JJ and finally went in the Bottleneck show around 11 (Thanks Egypt!! it rocked). People were so suprised to see her, and especially with me because I did break her heart... and it was like traveling through time to 4 or 5 years ago when we were inseperable. Did some stompy dancing to Jeremy's band, avoided my ex like the plauge (thankfully she left not too long after I arrived). Went over to Jericho's fetish ball, snuck in without paying the horrible cover... but most people were outside anyway cuz they didn't wanna pay either. Tried to catch a couple afterparties, but as always it's tricky to nail the good ones down.. after three tries we finally found it, but it was 3:30 and about time to head home. We went back to my parents, got a few hours sleep and got up early to get back to Topeka for her family gathering. Stayed there for a bit, and came back to good ol Wichita. I had such a blast, but was exahausted from not getting much sleep at all this whole week, so I took a little nap. The girls called with some plans and I crawled out of bed and hit Old Chicago for some beers. We figured it was a good night just to relax and went to Amy's place and hung out for awhile... but here's where my whole weekend gets interesting... I'm so tired by this point I'm cranky and ready to crash.. it's about 1am, so I'm on my way home... aparently I didn't come to a complete stop before I turned to get to the on-ramp for the highway not 5 minutes from Amy's, and I see flashing lights in my rear-view... I'm like why would I be getting pulled over?... So, I'm on the side of the road hoping that like last time I'll get by and be able to go get sleep... well after about 10 mins waiting I knew I was in trouble and that my night was going to be long, drawn-out, and full of inefficency. He checked my liscence and it's suspended for an unpaid traffic violation... I stepped to the back of my baby, knowing that we were going to be seperated... confused because I'd never gotten to wear those neat little metal braclets they give you.. (well, not in the non-kinky kinda way)... It's weird hearing the words "you're under arrest"... but eh, what can you do besides cooperate and go along. I'm put in the cruiser, and decide it would be fun to put the seat-belt on, since I'm handcuffed... So I use a combanation of flexibility and my teeth to latch myself in... I still don't know if he was impressed or confused when he saw I had it on... lol. I'm trying to figure out how long this ordeal is going to take, and of course NOBODY will let you know anything, the best they can tell you is when your "paper-work" gets finished... I arrived at 1:50 am to get booked, i sit there for nearly half-an hour while the officer fills out paperwork and we finally go into the little booking place. I'm searched with the whole "put your hands above your head against the wall".. and sent to a tiny room 6' x 15' where there's a few people sleeping and enough room to sit on the concrete next to what appeared to be a drunk, smelly, homeless man passed out snooring. As time passes, I saw a few people come in and out and I'm angry because I want out of this place. I snagged a spot on the 4ft tall divider between the bunks and the metal toilet, so I wasn't near anyone anymore but I counted how many people were there over and over... one under the bunk on the floor over there, one under this bunk, two on the top of that one, two on this one, three standing, the homeless guy, the guy sitting in the corner.. it was up to 14 at the maximum. Two hours later I ask when I'm getting out.. and the reason we were all there is because the nurse has to ask us if we have mental problems or something to that effect... so she comes back 5 mins later after I ask and tells me to go to another room, she never checked me? but in the next room there's no bunks just a lot of the guys I saw come and go sitting, laying, and finding a spot amongst the vagabonds. I actually spoke to some kid who was there for a DUI who's mommy and daddy were pretty rich, he was as small as me and was from out of town. I felt like punching another ass-hole who was in for a DUI as well... typical wanna be playa frat boy who called his girlfriend or someone calling her baby and as he gets off the phone says something to the effect of "fucking ho's aren't good for shit"... and proceeds to degrade "bitches and ho's" and is vulgar for the remaining hours that I'm stuck there with him. Finally around 4:30 they call my name and I go out to get my mug-shots, finger-prints, and a phone call. I decline the call because all my numbers are in my cell-phone.. which was confiscated at booking along with everything else including my nipple-rings... thankfully they scan fingerprints now, so i didn't have any nasty ink on my fingers. Back to holding I go... I'm watching these officers as they bullshit and stand-around wondering why nothing is being done. My exhaustion is getting to me as I'm standing by the window, head pressed against the glass I nod off for about 5 minutes. Breakfast is served around 7, and I'd been dying of thirst for a couple hours now... these trays have eggs that taste like chalk, two pieces of bread- one of which i actually ate, and some souppy looking "grits"... I watch as some of these guys eat this and while some actually play with the consistancy wathching it fall from their plastic spoons... I drink the milk hoping it would quench my thirst, but it doesn't help much. Shift-change finally happens and the new shift sits around and bullshits awhile, while i'm getting even more angry that I'm still here after six hours. Finally they start calling people up to sign their paperwork which I'm sure has been done for awhile now. It's 8:30 and I'm finally called out to get my stuff back. Most everyone with misdemanors gets realased on OR.. own reconganiance (i can't spell, nor do I care)... My bail was 200 and I have to pay when I go to court on my court date, thankfully I don't have to pay anything now. Finally, a little after nine they lead a group of us out. I manage to put my phone together and hope that Amy will answer her phone so early in the morning. I'm dying for a ciggarette at this point, and light-up with no satisfaction because I'm still dying of thirst and the ciggarette is just burning my throat and tastes like shit. I really should quit. So my best-friend Amy, comes and picks me up bringing me coke and ciggarettes my two essentials I've been denied the past eight excrusiating hours. I'm finnally walking into my apartment around 10am, and my bed is so inviting... but I know I have to break my baby out of her jail too, and I'm hoping that the tow company wasn't mean to her. I feel naked without her keys, so I set the alarm for 2:30 and crash for four hours or so... So, now I'm about to go get my baby out and bring her home. Going to talk to my co-worker who lives in the complex so I can ride with him tommorow to work. Must call Lawyer and get these issues taken care of. I wish I actually had some money to do so because that defaulted credit card takes its next $1625 out of my account Wednesday when I get paid...

So I'm thinkin I've got some new bad-boy sex appeal... either that or the "damn, you're a dumbass" sex appeal... I don't know which of those works better, cuz girls always pick one or the other. Oh well... Three months from now I wont have a worry in the world, really... I just hope that I can prepare myself for the next time I ever get laid-off... being unemployed for six months just royally fucked my whole life up this year... but I'm still smiling and having the most fun I've had ever... Off to spring the baby out of impound...yeah.
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