remembering Bit

Aug 21, 2012 00:12

while i understand that death is a natural part of the life cycle, it is something that i have always grappled with. as i write this post, Bit is living out the last moments of his life in our household.

Bit has been with us for almost 12 years. he was a gift from J in her pre-psychotic days and as life would have it, Bit outlasted my friendship with her.

i remember vividly the first day i got Bit. he was 14 days old and arrived in a little basket. J said he was my birthday present so i took him in with an equal amount of excitement and skepticism.

Bit was a little bit of a rabbit when i got him. the small bundle of white and brown fur that fit into my palm. Bit and i went through a whole bunch of names for him, and we finally agreed on 'Bit' when he blinked his eye in approval.

in the span of his rabbit life, Bit has ruined 2 telephone wires, a whole bunch of wall corners, 1 sofa set, 2 sets of curtains, and various cables that have been lying around the house. he's bitten everyone in the family at least once (some more times than others) and left his pee stains to mark territory in various parts of the house.

he was unstoppable and was defiant in his own ways. if you were to scold him, he'll turn his butt to face you. but he was also sweet as rabbits should be. my best memories of Bit involve him falling asleep in my arm, running towards me when i get home from work or hopping over just to lick my hand when i'm seated on the floor. Bit was the rebel with a heart.

as i bid my time to call the pet cremation peeps, all i can do is to keep telling myself that Bit had a good life. he has been loved by everyone at home, tasted heaps of fresh fruits and had a lot of fun. and 12 seems like a considerable age.

truth be told, i have been thinking about this day since 2008 when i went to bkk. i wasn't sure if i was going to see him again. and for four years, the thought of Bit leaving us has been lingering in my mind. now that the day is coming, i just want to run away from it all. maybe if i'm not around to see it, i won't have to deal with it. i won't have to touch his cold body or make THE CALL.

here's to 12 good years Bit. you will always be remembered.
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