waiting for the chalk dust to settle

Apr 30, 2012 14:12

today i felt a compulsion to write a post. i've always had things to say but the energy to string my thoughts into words was either lacking or denied.

and as i sit in the deep sea of problems relating to the business, i decided that i will indulge in some time for thinking out rubbish and putting them into words for my pleasure reading in future.

since my last post, kevin and i have opened our second outlet. The idea seems unfathomable 2 years ago, but here we are today, in town and in debt. if i get a penny for every time someone says 'good what...you are doing what you like', i'll have enough to pay next month's rent. as bitter as this may sound, the idea of being my own boss is over-rated. and working for passion is a romanticized idea that should only written in career guides published by mills and boons.

on a brighter, less sardonic note, my past seems to be catching up with me these couple of weeks. an email from an old friend from uni, a chanced reunion with a secondary school friend and ex-colleagues from nac days have been making their rounds to millenia walk.

of all the accidental reunions, the one with my secondary school friend is the one that has been making me beam as though a hot dude has just asked for my number. with this friend, it felt like i gained an instant old friend. someone whom i've met, became friends, lost touch and now am good friends with again. it's almost like the 10 years of not seeing each other was compressed in a vacuum bag and someone just cut the bag open. i'm not exactly sure how that analogy came about but it sure feels that way.

friendships change as seasons do. some people weave in and out of our lives, others taint our lives with blotchy memories and a small handful never leave.

ok back to worrying about the business.
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