Sep 08, 2009 10:24
Soooooo...buying textbooks for college?
Is frikkin' ridiculous.
I mean, seriously. My chem class requires this one book which, oops!, isn't available. So instead THEY PRINT THE FRIKKIN' THING OUT, BIND IT UP IN A THREE-RING BINDER, AND SELL IT. For $32.00. And they tell you that somewhere you can find the used version. But, um, no, actually, you can't. And then you have to buy a frikkin' brand new labbook. Forget writing in normal spiralbound notebooks. That shit ain't cool, yo. No, we must write in "carbonless copy journals."
...and, okay, said carbonless copy journal is really cool. But still.
And then my spanish class. Holy shit, where did they find all this shit? Only two of the FIVE THINGS REQUIRED can be bought used. Everything else, PAH. BUY IT NEW, PLEBEAN BITCHES.
And then let's round out this rant with my math textbook. $155 dollars!!!!!!!!!! FOR ONE SEMESTER OF CALC II!!!!!!!
So I bought it, came back here to my room, and bought that shit online for $55. That includes the expedited shipping, please and thank you. I'll be sharing with this lovely young man named Artie until my book arrives. Bless you, Artie, for being a kind, kind soul. With a really nice jawline.
So that is my rant. I return later to the bookstore to a) return the jumbo frikkin' math book and b) find and buy my frikkin' goggles. Frikkin' hell.