dreams...sick dreams seem to be the most fun...

Apr 16, 2011 16:00

so, these dreams involve Garth Nix books, which in turn make it rather awesome...

I'm not exactly sure I remember them too well.

Thursday night:
Dreamed that this girl assumed I was going to buy her anything and I was really upset for some reason. She was like "you are going to buy me this water." and I was like "um, no I'm not." but she persisted, even though she wasn't going to die or anything. fine. I hand over the $2 she needs. Then I'm walking away and I realize she has stolen my phone and put her number in it, or taken mine for hers. Anyway, not being too interested, I'm kind of upset at this moment, and I was like grarrah. I don't remember much else. Nice trip otherwise..

Friday morning: about being on a flatcar train and we were being beaten by the amtrack and then our track got wonky and uneven and our horses started to slip off…

This afternoon:
Sabriel, Lyrial, Touchstone, and Sam all go into space somewhere, and fight off some evil force. or at least maybe Sam does. The dream wasn't too specific about that. All I realize is I miss Sabriel crazy much and I'm not sure why.

Then there's something about missing Dani and Jocelyn, my old housemates. We were on some train or something together? This part wasn't too clear, but it was definitely there.

Then there's this plot where ships echo 419, and echo 519 (echo 419 being from Halo) are found to be cursed with 2 demons of polar opposites. On a planet raid, they both crash at opposite ends of the planet. I work out things like dr who logic and decide that we take echo 519 back..somewhere. Anyway, we lift off and the demon is raging and the ship is being shaken but we're going to control it and i know we are going to survive somehow...


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