Title: [prolouges;
Rating: R, for incest
Series: Supernatural, DeVour
Warnings: Incest
Fucked Up Ship of the Evening: Dean/Jake/Sam
Notes: So, I thought I'd finally stop torturing leaving wtfbackgrounds and decided to try and make one for [family mechanics;. So...BEHOLD.
tigriswolf, I now name you my epicfic!muse. *dies*
Jake goes to her when he can't take the trial the prisons, the doctors anymore. He begs for her sanctuary after he slaughters evreyone and she comes as promised.
"I'm sorry," he cries in her arms, tears mixing with blood. "I'm so, so sorry,"
And her forgiveness comes easy and she takes him back.
Dean lies, with Sam curled around him, in the hotel room, his 'father's' call fading in the background of dreams. He dreams of a woman with short hair and of her wailing as he's snatched away. He dreams of another one, exactly like him, only younger and more insane, more inhuman.
Sam sighs and pulls Dean closer and the dreams fade.
They take hell back and order all. He cleaves close to her side and she basks in his need for her.
The Dealers bow to her and she does not recognize one.
"Who are you?"
She stands, eyes dark. "Odette. My sister, Ophelia was killed."
Lucifer touches the Dealer and her eyes burn.
Sam disappears three days before he's due.
He wakes to a little girl with angry blank eyes and black hair, as he hangs in an old factory, surrounded by old ghosts and new, strong demons.
You won't get out. Not this time.
Dean bounces around the country after he wakes up in his motel room to a bloody bed, with he himself handcuffed in the bathtub. His wrists were still red and it catches him by surprise when he falls over, clutching his chest.
The hellhounds don't snap, his heart just strains and burns, strains and burns.
He dies outside his car, in Oregon, smack in the middle of nowhere.
When Dean goes to hell, he sees himself.
Only, he's younger, a face already more than a little insane, smile crazed as he cradles his(their?) face.
"Brother," the other him smiles and Dean can pick up the tell tale hysteria and manic energy beneath even from this far away, "You're my brother, the one who didn't make it,"
Dean doesn't understand what the hell he's saying, but when the woman touches him, he understands.
Jake needs Dean. Dean is protector, slayer of dragons, hero riding into sunset, only, he kills the princess too and takes the kingdom all for his own. He kisses Dean's jaw and asks him to tell him stories.
Still here?
His eyes open, blood making it hard to move the muscle beneath and he stares at her, still unable to stop the defiant, angry reflex in his chest. He spits blood as he speaks. "Yup. Someone clearly didn't get the memo; Winchesters are hard to kill, bitch."
She kicks him angrily, and he rolls with it. This is routine.
I came before you, son of Adam. She swells with anger. I was there long before you and yet you still remain. How?
Sam doesn't answer because he doesn't know.
Dean tells Jake stories of men who travel in metal horses and go around the land killing all who threaten others, the innocent. Jake dreams of their torment, but not before he asks:
Who's Sammy?
She turns away from her plans and sees her two sons.
Can we have him? Can we have Sammy?
She pauses. He was Azazel's. Do you wish to make him yours and mine?
Her smile is wide. Then let me tell you how.
Sam hallucinates two brothers holding onto him, kissingholdingtouchingloving. They feed him blood, richwarmdelicious and he swallows it.
He wakes in the morning and Lilith is there, Ruby's head in her little doll fingers.
She made a valiant effort, didn't she?
Kill her, Dean hisses and hell rumbles as he and Jake look. Kill her, rip her limb from limb like she was supposed to.
Take him back, take him back, now, Jake turns to Lucifer, as if she might challenge them.
She doesn't.
Lilith's screams high, but she gets in a last blow when she rips Sam's head off at the last moment, deprives his brothers.
Sam sees two brothers waiting for him when he goes to hell.
One has been raised to believe that what he's doing is good, that the monsters he kills are no different from he. The other one has a crazed smile on his face and knows that he is crazy, that he is insane, but he has long ceased to care.
Both take his hand and pull him down into hell.
Both say I love you, kisses burning his skin, and they crown him their little boy king.
Sammy, Sammy, DeanorJake hums, whines, and cups his hand on Sam's neck, presses a kiss to his ear.
DeanorJake holds them both close (heisDeanbecauseonlyDeancouldloveall), kisses Sam softly, moves and they both speak:
We'll kill them, kill them all for you.
Lucifer looks at her three sons, and she laughs.
I give it all to you.
It is not the meek who inherit the earth. It is the broken, the insane, the used.
It is Lucifer's sons, much worse than she.