Tickled Plaid Dress Dairy #3

Sep 26, 2008 15:11

Here is another dress diary....with pics!  Because, really, no one cares about technique...it's all about the pics!

So it took me about 2 hours to figure out the whole thing about the side pleats. Placement and size were the 2 biggest issues. Once I got them both hand-tacked, I made myself be done with it. Perfection is overrated.

Before the waistband went on, it was mentioned to me to let out the darts so that the back section of the skirt is about 1/4 of the waistband. All that's really left to do on the overskirt is to put in the tie tapes (which help hold the skirt back) and the hook-n-eyes.

The underskirt's waistband will need to come off so I can take the darts out of it and I still need to put in the tie-tapes and hook-n-eyes.

Tomorrow I'll start pleating the ruffle for the underskirt. I may end up using the fork method after all the fuss I made about getting a pleater.

Wednesday I may start the muslin for the bodice. I still need some supplies like boning and lining material once bodice construction actually begins. I also need to figure out what I want to do for the front closure of the bodice. I was thinking of using hook-n-eyes and just putting non-functional buttons down the front....saves me from having to make buttonholes.

That's all for now!

victorian, tickled plaid

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