Aug 24, 2010 21:11
Whoa...I'm tired. Today was my first day back to college and it was VERY low key. Since we're a kinda of encapsulated department, it was just the 20 students of my class, the senior year students and the instructors. We just hung out, they told stories and we ate brunch. That will probably be the easiest day of my next 2 years.
And tonight I just finished my Airwolf costume for Dragon*Con. I want to spend the next 6 days working on my BF's costume...we leave for D*C next Friday. I'm at the point of not wanting to sew anymore...making "screen accurate replica costumes" is emotionally draining because it HAS TO BE 100% perfect. o_O It takes the joy out of it. And I don't want to lose the joy of sewing. It took me a long time to find something I felt I was good at...and I'll be damned if a stupid 80's TV show about a guy and his chopper are gonna ruin it for me.
Rant over. Heh.
I'll post pics and a link to my Photobucket after we're back from D*C. I totally forgot to mention Celebration 5 and how awesome it was. Maybe after D*C. If I have time. I'll probably be even more absent from teh Interwebs once school really gets going...but it's a good sacrifice.
Until next nice and I'll see you later.