Jul 17, 2010 16:02


So, Friday we decided NOT to go to Disney and stay home to organize things before the 2 conventions next month. (Star Wars Celebration and Dragon*Con) Around 10am, the phone rings and it's my college. I answer. It's the academic advisor for the Health Sciences department. She wants to know if I'd be interested in a seat in the Radiography program as she has a seat to fill.


Seriously, you could'a knocked me over with a feather. No joke. This was the same program I got a letter for saying I DIDN'T get in and had to be an alternate for my 2nd choice class. Now they're giving me my 1st choice. So hell yeah, put me down, I want in!!

*Xander's Snoopy dance*

The advisor calls back about an hour later, she's got bad news. ohnoes!! Do I want the Radiography program (1st choice) or would I rather have a seat in the Radiation Therapy program (2nd choice)?

Like, whoa.

I'm sticking with Radiography because I think the fact that we can see inside the human body is insane. I love what humans come up with.

Needless to say, that phone call made my friggin' YEAR! So glad we didn't go to Disney :D


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