I am officially feeling Bo/Tamsin so hard it's killing me. OH TAMSIN, BB, WITH YOUR SCREAMINGLY BLATANT ~~FEELINGS.
(I love how there are 50 bajillion gifs of that kiss on Tumblr already. ALL AS IT SHOULD BE. \o/)
Also, all the squeeflail over Lauren getting to be a badass of science. HER LITTLE EXCITED FACE WHEN SHE CAME TO SHOW BO THE AWARD LETTER, <33333333333 BEEEEST.
I couldn't even mind the lack of Kenzi, because I was so damn happy to get an entire episode's worth of Tamsin after last week's zero Tamsin. (Seriously, a huge part of my excitement for the show's return last week was about HAVING TAMSIN'S MUG BACK ON MY SCREEN, and then she didn't even make an appearance. :/ Booo.)
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