(Also known as: if this doesn't count as one hell of a rec, I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH YOU. Or, you know, we have very differing tastes in television. *snerk*)
Because man, one and a half week on from the season finale, and I was already missing Michelle so much I could barely handle it, except then the first two episodes of the series made me so incredibly sad* that I got drunk enough to be completely unable to focus properly on the next three episodes. (Seriously, dear god, I don't think I managed to get that drunk even during WriSoMiFu. Which, if you've never participated in it, is saying a HELL of a lot, ahahaha.)
I DID NOT REMEMBER THAT THE START OF THE SERIES WAS THAT SAD-MAKING, OMGGGGGGGG. An oversight that is not likely to occur again, I suspect. XD;;
(Seriously, though, BLOODY HELL, what a pilot episode. No wonder I fell instantly in love with this show, once I er actually got as far as watching the pilot. <33333333)
*) as in "I seriously spent large chunks of time between the end bits of the first episode and the early bits of the third episode sobbing uncontrollably" sad except for the bits where I was laughing while also sobbing uncontrollably, because this show: also: hilarious; admittedly, a) having spent a full season getting to know and falling even more thoroughly in love with the characters made the whole thing even more emotional than the first time I saw it; b) I was pretty tipsy already by that point, because OMG THAT END OF FIRST-EPISODE, failure to deeeeeaaaal; c) I'd just rewatched Everything in Its Right Place today because it aired on local TV last night *
and I'm just saying, okay*. Still. I will not even try to tell you there wasn't totally sobbing the first time I saw those episodes, too, BECAUSE THERE SO WAS.
UGH, SHOW. <333333333333
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