
Jun 14, 2008 22:24

Another installment of Creed's Adventures in Technohate (and by "technohate" I obv mean TECHNOLOGY HATING ON ME):

1) Dear Muxtape: WHY DO YOU HATE ME? It's just not cool to not let me upload anything when I custom-formated this year's summer mix for you. >E (It's totally just me, isn't it? I'm always lucky that way, so I'm assuming it is. :D)

2) And then when I after a week of Muxtape FAIL give up and throw it up on DivShare instead (all day! just spent all day on that!), the flash player only playlists the first four of the twelve tracks in the folder. orz FUCKING TECHNOLOGY, I SWEAR.

(Obv the download option is still there and functional, but I'd really like to be able to offer streaming when I post it to poptimists. BUGGER, and all that!)

(PS: the streaming on last year's summer mix is totally okay, though -- that only being one file, and all -- so, you know, if anyone missed it last year! *cough* Also obv download option available there. 'S over here, and also uh look out for further reuploads once I get around to them! *double cough*)

mixes, sorely needed umbrella music tag, fine art of bitching

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