Time to try defying gravity...

Jun 02, 2010 00:38

Once again, it is time to pick up the pieces of my life and put them back together. This is not where I wanted to be in my life at 33.

Lessons learned...
  • No long distance relationships. They don't work out in the long run.
  • Don't be so nice and accomodating. People just walk all over you.
  • Don't jump into things too quick. (This is a hard one for me.)

I was going to post yet another whiney mopey entry like I used to when I was active. But I'm done with that. I'm tired of doing the same thing all the time. Instead, I'm going to focus on what I'm doing going forward.

  • An odd first item for me, but... Work out. I want to feel good about myself physically. And not play work out from a video game, that just did a number on my knee before.
  • Re-connect with friends I've neglected. I may not always be the best type of friend in the world, but it isn't fair on my friends to judge myself for them and give up on myself.
  • Learn how to make new friends. Seriously, I honestly don't know how to make friends. One of the many skills I missed learning in school.
  • Learn to date. See above. Also, need to learn to act like someone who is dating, I've been told in the past that I don't present myself as available.
  • Learn to be a good friend.
  • Find a good therapist to help deal with depression.
  • Stop living my life by hiding from it. (Sort of a long term goal... because really if I do the rest, I will have a life more worth living.)
  • Learn who I am. I never really knew who I was. I know what my skills are, but I've never felt comfortable with that as my identity. More to the point, if I figure out who I am, maybe I will stop drifting around so much.

That is all for now. If you are a friend I have lost touch with, feel free to help with the getting back in touch with friends part.

future, plans

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