Usually when you order something and get a confirmation number you can track it to see where it is in the process of being shipped to you
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I have mostly had them mess up shipping and take much longer then was supposed to happen but I have seen a couple of boxes from friends that shall we say came in an assortment of pieces. Needless to say they were not happy campers.
Not cool. I would be upset if that were to happen, especially since I use them to ship my Pac Mate in when it needs repair at Freedom Scientific. The post office is what I have trouble with here. They cram large brailled things into the mailbox and have them so smooshed and wrinkled by the time I receive them that they are very difficult to read. We have asked the previous mail woman if she would bring large items to the door, but I think I should ask the one who currently comes out here since I believe she is a different person.
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