Usually when you order something and get a confirmation number you can track it to see where it is in the process of being shipped to you.
I ordered a package of items from a trusted company and even though it took a little longer then usual to get mailed it did get mailed to me. They sent me a message with the confirmation number so I could track my package as it made its way across the country to my mailbox.
It still has not arrived.
The web site keeps telling me it was processed but that is all I get day after day.
I hoped this package would arrive in time for me to have the one item in the box so I could take it with me to a concert last night.
Since it did not arrive I could not take this one item with me and so now I am upset with the postal service.
The place where I ordered the items is just as upset with the post office on my behalf and cannot even seem to get a straight answer from them on what is going on with my package.
Companies like the post office go to great lengths to try and get our business to use them for all our mailing needs. But why would I want to keep using them if they might lose an important item in the mail.
I can pay for return receipt, notification that it was delivered to the proper address, and even extra insurance to make sure it does get there. But why should I pay good money to mail something through them if it is only going to get lost.
One thing is for sure, it is making me think twice about even wanting to mail Christmas packages to family and friends this year if this is how the items I mail are going to be treated. A lot of time and love goes into finding and getting that perfect gift for people I care about and so I want to make sure that they do get what I bought for them.
I do not want to hear excuses of any kind. I do want apologies for any problems with the shipping of my packages though.
None has been given. All I have received is “oh well, keep checking the web site for any changes.”
This really stinks and one thing is for sure. The entire postal service is going to hear about this from me if possible. From anywhere in the US today, it should not take over a week to mail a package to an individual. And yet it does.
So, buyer beware the next time you order something and have it shipped to you through the post office.
This is a home game entry for LJ idol
therealljidol, week 8. The topic was sit down and shut up LJ style.