Birthday and Christmas Drabbles for AMY

Dec 20, 2004 00:00

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dark_eyed_amy!!!

Right. One fic for Christmas, one fic for your birthday, and the last is just because. ;)

Title: Details
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Michael/Zacharias
Length: 475 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Michael nitpicks about details.
Additional Notes: dark_eyed_amy requested Michael, Zacharias, and cold walls. This is for your birthday. Don't ask me why this in particular though, lol.
Edit: For fanfic100, for the prompt Sight.

Michael Corner was in Ravenclaw because he had an eye and a memory for detail. He centered his life around it, really, or at least, his classmates thought he did. He'd remember the trivialities that most people would overlook, and this was what made him Michael.

In the past three months, two weeks, five days, seven hours and twenty minutes, for instance, he'd been particularly fascinated with a Zacharias Smith, who liked wearing a large, dark beige coat around just so he could shove his hands in its pockets and slouch at a seventy-five degree angle while he walked to his classes. Zacharias would run his hand (always the right one) over his hair and ruffle it up a bit when he was nervous or when he didn't know the answer, but if anyone ever went close enough to touch him he'd flinch ever so slightly and glare (He had seven different kinds, but he'd use Glare Number Two in instances like these).

Michael noted how Zacharias' light green eyes (which were the exact light apple-green shade as the grass that grew beside the Lake) often flickered in his direction, and how the Hufflepuff would glance at the Ravenclaw table every time he entered the Great Hall, and especially how he would turn away instantaneously so no one could notice. Except Michael, of course, because he noticed everything.

And when Zacharias cornered him (he noticed the pun, too, and would have rolled his eyes had it not have been inappropriate to do so given circumstances) one day after class as he was on his way to the Ravenclaw tower, Michael noticed the way Zacharias looked him over and the way Zacharias' eyes narrowed ever so slightly in a way that wasn't evil but still sent chills down Michael's spine.

They spoke but all Michael noticed was the way Zacharias' lips moved-- the way his tongue rolled out the r's and the way it peeked out a teeny bit when he said his t's, and Michael paid attention to how they parted slightly when Zacharias walked up to him and he couldn't stop looking when a tongue wet the bottom lip. He kept staring until he couldn't anymore, because Zacharias had pressed his lips against his and his eyes couldn't see that so he closed them instead.

Zacharias kept moving forward, as if he could occupy the space Michael did at the same time if he went at it, eventually pushing Michael up against hard wall of the corridor and pinning him there with his weight. Michael could feel the rough edges of the cold stone dig into the thin fabric of his clothing, could possibly count all the tiny pinpricks where stone touched nerves if he wanted to, and on a normal day for Michael Corner he probably would have.

Today, however, was the exception.


Title: It Wasn't Me
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Zacharias/Justin
Length: 200 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Zacharias is in denial.
Additional Notes: dark_eyed_amy requested Zacharias, Justin, and magic dust. For Christmas, because of, er, the pretty colours in the drabble?

It must have been the alcohol, of which he'd drunk plenty. Yes, that was quite possibly it. There had been Firewhiskey and that Muggle drink vodka, and plenty of both. Enough to heighten the senses and dull the judgement, that was it.

Or it may have been that thing Justin had been sniffing. Magic dust, he'd called it. He'd offered some to Zacharias and he'd taken them, because he was already drunk anyway and what harm would a little bit more fuzziness do?

That was it. The Firewhiskey, or the vodka, or the magic dust. It may have even been the lights that flashed white and red and blue and violet and green and made everything a bright and hazy blur, made everything seem pretty and okay and, well, it was the lights. He was sure of it now.

Or Justin, even. It must have been Justin, who was bouncy and sparkly and delicious.

He had not just thought delicious.

No, of course he hadn't, because it couldn't have been him, after all. Zacharias couldn't be blamed, under the lights and alcohol and drugs and Justin's prettiness, for grabbing Justin suddenly and snogging him.

Couldn't have been anything else.



Title: As Long As You Don't Mind
Fandom: Real People
Pairing: Hm. Amy requested Evy/Amy.
Length: 100 words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Real people. *twiddles thumbs*
Summary: Evy and Amy have a conversation, and hope S doesn't mind.
Additional Notes: dark_eyed_amy said I can give this my own prompt. Right. LOL. First RP fic, and this is just because. For Amy, haha. Oh, wait. Also, too many dashes, sorry. (I only wanted a hundred words! :P) *hides*

"Been here long?"

"Not really, do you--"

"Ooh, yes." She smiles, and immediately you lean forward and--


"You like it?" You nod without speaking, smiling slightly.


A slow smile spread on her face. "Knew you would."

"I always had a weakness for--" You begin to say, smirking back, before-- "Oh god, so good."

"So fucking good," she agrees, closing her eyes and smiling contentedly.

"Are you sure Siobhan wouldn't mind if we--"

"She might be a bit pissed off, maybe, but she'll be fine."

You grin. "And we'll save her the caramel-flavoured pieces anyway, right?"

(Ahahaha, I know, I know, it's a cop-out. Sorry, love. :P) You did tell Amanda it could be a friendship fic! ;))

type: femmeslash, rating: pg13, word count: 100, character: justin finch-fletchley, character: zacharias smith, type: slash, type: rare ships, challenge: fanfic100, word count: 201-500, word count: 200, character: michael corner, type: rpf

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