Title: Filling Spaces
Fandom: Queer as Folk
Spoilers: Season 2, eps 15-19 (only slightly, though)
Pairing: Ethan/Justin, only, not really
Rating: PG13
Word Count: 150 words
Summary: Tragedy's beautiful too.
Additional Notes: Supposed to explain why Ethan cheated, but I forgot about that but when I finished the drabble today. For
siobhanohare, and substitutes like Ethan. You've my love.
Justin smiles at him, lips curling up in his should-be-patented sunshine smile, and Ethan thinks it's love.
And it is, it should be, the sort of mad passionate love that artists feel and live and create, the sort that masterpieces are made of, because Justin follows him and kisses him and Ethan thinks it can't be anything else but love.
It is love, with enough fire to warm endless nights under the stars, enough fire to blaze endless nights under the earth, even when Justin shifts his gaze and tries hard to cry out Ethan's name when he knows, when they both know. Even then.
And Ethan thinks, with Justin snuggled up next to him, sated but not wholly, that there's something madly passionate and poetic about filling spaces too.
It's still love anyway, isn't it, Ethan wonders. Justin only breathes in reply, and Ethan thinks it has to be.