Hello again everyone! This is in continuation of
this post so that we can get an idea of what YOU, our members, want to see happen with this community in terms of general activity and just fun stuff to do as a community.
There are two parts to this post. The first part will be an explanation of everything that the poll below the explanations ask about. If you vote with "will comment," we encourage you to do so and tell us what you think. Also, if you have any more ideas for activities beyond what's listed here, please do not hesitate to tell us! We're looking for feedback from everyone, whether you're relatively new to the community or have been here since day one (almost) five years ago. So without further ado, I present to you the explanations and poll.
Anniversary Celebration (question 1)
As I mentioned in the previous post, our five year anniversary is coming up. When we reached the one year anniversary, we did a soundtrack challenge. Basically, what we had people do (and would have people do this time as well) is come up with a list of music they would choose for their current writing project. They could create their own album (or find someone to do so) and then submit what they came up with as part of the challenge. For this challenge, however, we're thinking of having it in two parts. The first part would be where those who are uncertain about what music to choose (like me) would comment to a designated post with information about their project- it would likely include a short scene that you've written to give a general idea of the story as well as any other information you think people should know. Once you comment, other people will be able to give song suggestions based on what they read. An option along with this would be matching up with someone else to help each other find music for your project.
Anniversary Celebration- when to have it (question 2)
One of our members, the one who suggested holding this challenge again, asked if it would be possible to hold the challenge in June instead of May, which is the actual anniversary. Most people are going to be at the end of dealing with school in May, so we might not get as many participants that month. We would like to know whether or not June would be a good month to hold the challenge, and if you would be interested in participating.
Weekly Discussion Post (question 3)
Through out the past few years, we've had
weekly writing discussions on and off. As part of finding a way to make this community more active, we would like to know if you would be interested in seeing these brought back.
Story Swap/Challenge (question 4)
One activity we're thinking of having is a story swap/challenge, possibly every six months or so. Personally I've never participated in story swaps before, so I'm not -quite- certain how it would work, but I think (and
cherith you can correct me on this if I'm wrong) you would basically be matched up with someone and swap what you've written of a story with that person. This would happen possibly every six months.
Art/Fanmix challenge (question 5)
This would be similar to the soundtrack challenge we're possibly going to have in celebration in May/June, but it would be continued and would possibly be done every other month.
I think that's pretty much it. If you have any questions about any of these, feel free to comment. And again, if you have any suggestions outside of these, please comment with them and we can discuss them! Be on the look out for more modly posts and polls as well. :)
Poll Boosting activity