I figured I should introduce myself.
1. Name: Ann
2. Nicknames:
3. Age: 36
4. State/Country: Pennsylvania, USA
5. Education: BA in Creative Writing, currently pursuing an MA in Writing Popular Fiction
Hobbies: (Barely. Grad school has eaten my free time.)
What are your hobbies? Reading, sewing, cross-stitch, gardening.
1. How long have you been writing?: Since '87 (junior year of high school)
2. What was the first story you wrote?: A novella about a misunderstood prince who came of age.
- Is it finished?:
Yes. Started on a sequel, but never finished that.
- Have you ever let anyone read it?:
Oh yeah. It got passed around my high school. Even to some of the teachers. Parents too.
- What genre (romance, fantasy, etc) was it?: science fiction with a lot of fantasy thrown in. (magic in spaaaace!)
3. Who is your favorite character that you've written about? It's probably a tossup between Essen Tyras, the protagonist of my thesis novel and Tristan Morgan, my all-time favorite short story character.
4. What is the longest story you've written and how many pages is it? The thesis novel. It started this incarnation as a nano, and at one point was about 80,000 words, but I pretty much just used it as a basis for the theses, and rewrote from the ground up. It's currently at 47,000 words but will be about 100,000 by the end of October (since I need to finish it this term). It ended going in a somewhat different direction than previously, so very little of the nano story remains, other than the general idea and the cast of characters.
5. Do you plan on becoming a published author/novelist someday? That's the plan, yes. :)
Other stuff:
1. Do you have any communities of your own? If so, what is the link?: They get practically no traffic, but
turkish_cooking and
poetry_of_doom 2. Do you have any web pages/message boards of your own? If so, what is the link?:
3. Do you know of any communities that you would highly recommend to other members?:
4. Do you post your writing at any other sites/message boards/etc? If so, what are the links?:
scribere_agere is my writing journal, though I haven't been writing much there, again, due to grad school.
5. How did you find out about Creative Fantasy? What made you decide to join?: Found the community when randomly searching on interests. Looked cool. :)