NaNoWriMo is coming!

Sep 09, 2008 11:00

In honor of NaNoWriMo coming soon, I figured I would go ahead and post this. Basically it's just a form that you're free to fill out via comment so that other people know if you're participating in NaNo and where you'll be posting and all that good stuff.

Are you participating in NaNo this year?
What is your name on the NaNo site?
Are you going to be posting your progress and such anywhere? (A journal, community, web site, etc)
Should we have daily (or weekly) word count posts during November to see what everyone's progress is?
Off the topic of NaNo, do you have any suggestions for how to make this community more active than it currently is?

Note: For the third question, you are welcome to link to your profile, but as far as I know (right now, anyway) the NaNo site is down, so just giving your username will work.

Here are my answers:

Name: Ally
Are you participating in NaNo this year? Yes!
What is your name on the NaNo site? AWritersFantasy
Are you going to be posting your progress and such anywhere? (A journal, community, web site, etc) I'll be posting excerpts, word counts, all that wonderful stuff both in my journal (though not as much there) and at scribedenigma, which is my members only community. You're welcome to join it if you're interested in reading my updates and such.
Should we have daily (or weekly) word count posts during November to see what everyone's progress is? If people would like it, then yeah. My guess is that weekly ones would probably work better than daily, because then there's only one day a week where you have to remember to post it.
Off the topic of NaNo, do you have any suggestions for how to make this community more active than it currently is? >.> Not at the moment, which is why I am asking the question.

nanowrimo, moderator post

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