
Jun 18, 2011 22:34

Oh. My goodness.

Mike and I went to dinner with Jerod and Griffin, and as we were walking back we stopped because we saw a kitten hiding in the bushes. Griffin lured it out by giving it some of his leftover halibut, and then we went to ask the neighbor down there and his mom if they knew where it came from. He said that some other neighbors who moved out recently left it behind and that they had been trying to find a home for it (well, her).

Long story short, Griffin gave her a flea bath and she's camped out in our bathroom right now. :D

I'll post a picture later if I can. She's a little tabby girl, probably 4-5 weeks old, and she's missing part of her back right leg--like, she still has her thigh, but then there's just a scarred stump. I think she was born with four legs because she still tries to use her missing leg when she walks. She's cute and healthy-looking and alert, though, so I have high hopes.

We're going to be moving soon, and Mike and I came to the agreement that we'll only keep her if finding an animal-friendly complex isn't a problem. I hope we do, though. She's such a little sweetie.

I'm thinking of calling her Flat Tire.


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