We Lift Our Hands and Pray Over Your Body But Nothing Ever Happens

Dec 10, 2009 18:04

End of the quarter yeahhhhhh boyyyyyyyyyeeee.

Or, um. Finals went well; pumped out and turned in a paper on Oskar as the human unicorn for War and Peace in German Lit, and prodded buttock on the Monsters, Barbarians and Women and German I tests. Woop! I worked darn hard this quarter and I'm ready for a break. Now to buzz around the house tomorrow cleaning up so that I won't be ashamed of our mess when Mom comes to visit...I'm really looking forward to seeing her, but there's a lot of work to be done. I already cleaned the stove and did a bunch of laundry, though, so picking up and cleaning the bathrooms shouldn't be too tough. But it will all be worth it! And I'll get to spend the weekend with Mom, hanging out and going shopping (we's gonna buy me some new boots, with any luck), and it will be good.

I was psyched after getting out of the Germy final this afternoon (it only took me about an hour!) and it was such a beautiful day, all overcast and grey and lightly sprinkling. I was going to make an awesome bacon and grilled cheese sandwich to go with the tomato soup I got from the store, but alas, my bacon seems to have vanished into thin air somehow. Either it accidentally got eaten or went bad prematurely and got thrown away (or maybe I'm just blind?). But the grilled cheese was still good, I guess. It satisfied my soup and sandwich craving for the time being.

I thought I had more to say than this, but I guess not.

Zoe is making curry (that awesome coconut milk curry I linked to from Thursday Night Smackdown a while back, though obviously with tofu instead of seafood) and it smells flippin' delicious.

food, mom, fall quarter

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