You Shouldn’t Ought to Be Intolerant About Who Queers Like to Fuck

Nov 18, 2009 16:20

Oh my god, you guys. I know I say this every five minutes, but: my new favorite thing. Cute comics about weird and gross stuff in nature! (And other things about nature too, but hey. Weird and gross is my forte.) This brought to you by some random chick in tmi_chix who posted one earlier.

Edit: Also she made a paleontology alphabet, you guys! You guys.

And oh lordy Kate Beaton made a comic about Goethe, it is a day for really fine comics indeed.

Speaking of Goethe, Prof. Nygaard pulled four papers from each section in War & Peace in German Literature to grade herself, and apparently she snagged mine in the process. Part of me is like ALL RIGHT and part of me is like OH SHIT. Had I but known, I would have gone all out to write the slammin'-est paper of my life instead of merely writing a fairly solid paper with a slightly questionable argument. But I guess she wouldn't be getting a profile of students' writing if they knew ahead of time. I just hope she is satisfied, if not impressed.

This weekend: re-dying hair; working on a German test; reading The Tin Drum, which is pretty crackdy less than 40 pages in; and doing more (ugh) peer review for MBW. And maybe going to the Aquarium? I dunno, man. I'm enjoying class but am definitely feeling the end of the quarter longing to do OH GOD ANYTHING ELSE BESIDES CLASSWORK. Planning the trip to Mexikerr for Christmas should be diverting, with me, Mike, probably Zoe, and possibly Jerod towing along on a 13-hour car ride to Tucson and an 8-hour bus ride across the border and into Guaymas. I'll probably bring along some money to throw at Dad and Bethany for food; I was going to have to warn Bethany that Zoe is a (humorless) vegetarian and now I may have to throw in the fact that Jerod is a (humorful) vegan. Ought to be an interesting time for all, yes! But we'll work it out and have a great time kicking around that weird little place, staring out at the bay from Dad's balcony and listening to the neighbor's parrot scream "LOLA!!!" and "CHOPPO!!!" at the dogs until our ears start to bleed.

Also: Jesus Christ, why is it so hard to find mascarpone anywhere? I wasn't too surprised when WinCo didn't have it, but Safeway? I thought they had pretensions to that kind of crap. If Trader Joe's lets me down I'm just going to cry. All I want is to make tiramisu, is that so wrong?

class, comics, christmas, food, mexico

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