Someday Somebody Else Besides Me Will Call Me by My Stage Name

Nov 16, 2009 15:48

Signed up for classes at 11:00 this morning--or rather, set it all up before I went to class today and got Mike to sign in and enroll for me since I was in German at that point. Got everything I wanted: LIT 102, "Translation Theory" with Godzich; LTEL 190A, "Individual Authors: Samuel Delany" with Chude-Sokei; and LTMO 145B, "Modern Literature: Graphic Novels" with Hong. Ought to be pretty sweet for a final quarter (knock on wood). I'm a bit regretful about not taking a second quarter of German, but...ehhh, 8:00am three days a week? I already have to be there at 7:30 in two weeks for an oral test with Herr Campbell, which I am not anticipating with any amount of glee.

Not too much has changed recently, other than getting a cat! It's Zoe's dad's cat, so I dunno if he'll be here permanently, but he's a welcome guest while he's around. Cute little fluffy black dude named Milo. So that's swell. Right now I'm just attempting to organize my half of the bedroom seeing as it's gotten pretty atrocious over the past couple of months. It WILL be clean! IT WILL.

Over the weekend Mike and I went and saw District 9 for cheap as free at was a good movie, but very hard to watch at points, both emotionally and physically. (The fingernails and teeth, ugghhhh.) I thought Wickus was an interesting focal character--I hesitate to call him our hero, obviously--and I guess I could call it a very well-done "shades of grey" movie in terms of sentient nature and xenophobia. Despite it making me feel rather sick, I'd still recommend it for just about anybody to see.

I thought I had more to say about this, but oh well. I'll come back later and blather on about Elective Affinities or something else boring, I'm sure.

class, movies

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