And Who Shall Wear The Starry Crown

Mar 17, 2008 23:43

Over the weekend I: attended an awesome Pi Party thrown by the illustrious Tia, got a haircut, watched Mallrats and Bubble Boy, played some Brawl, and enjoyed the company of Jessica, Rosie, and her man-friend, as well as Mike. Good times.

I am angry with my teeth right now. I do a lot for them. I brush them twice a day (sometimes thrice if I just feel the need), mouthwash once or twice a day, floss once a day, try not to harm them with too much candy or soda-type drinks, I'm more-or-less constantly consuming dairy products, and I generally don't do things like try to punch people with my mouth. And yet they still yell at me as if I were neglecting them. I don't get it, I really don't. My enamel must be soft or something. Dang dumb mouth.

I dunno how I ever considered going to school in England or New Hampshire. I'm such a wimp when it comes to cold weather. I can barely manage it here or up in WA, I don't know how I expected to manage it someplace where it actually snows hardcore. Hoo-ee.

Today was the last day of class, but the only class that I'd really miss is Portuguese, which I get to take the next step in next quarter, so hooray, no sadtimes. Also, today I learned that one of my professors used to be a woman. Never pegged him for that, which I guess is a good thing. Now it's just to study for the HS and Port finals and to try and not fail miserably on my PoA take-home final that regards several books which I have not actually had the pleasure of reading due to such things as other classes and life. More fool I for taking an upper-division Anthro class, or, rather, more fool I for not signing up for a backup class in the first place. But it was an experience.

Went to Kestrel's tonight and she made yummy soup and egg-pancake things and used me as a test subject for her senior thesis, which was fun. I'm sure I did terribly at reproducing the sounds to which she had me listen. It was definitely good times, though. I need to take her out to dinner or summat next quarter, we don't hang out enough since she's all busy seniorizing.

One of the only things that I REALLY like about winter is being able to see Orion every night. It's dumb, but I do. I miss seeing it in the summer.

Got a few stories in the works as we speak. One's almost finished that needs a beta-read, and a few other ideas are almost ready for articulation. They all seem to have a fable-like quality to them. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Gonna see Dad on Thursday and Mom in a week or so...thinking about seeing them makes me warm and fuzzy. I think in part it'll fix that homesickness I was having, because at least to some degree home is wherever they are. Sappy, but whatevs. You're allowed to be sappy when it comes to family.

I should call my brother.

tia, cold, pi day, transsexual professors, jessica, writing, kes, mike, teeth, end of the quarter, family, rosie

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