[RL with Shia; plz can i has cheeseburger?] [Others welcome to join once we get going]

Jun 07, 2009 23:08

Mewtwo hadn't left his basement much over the past few weeks. He was still recovering from the shock that Amber's resurrection had given him, along with the sudden rush of memories that came with it. When he did leave, he was sullen and quiet, avoiding the others when possible.

That didn't mean that he wasn't watching them. One of the advantages of being a powerful psychic was that you didn't have to be physically there to know what was happening. Mewtwo entered Shia's and Amber's minds to check up- he didn't dare touch Yuki's after what had happened last time.

This lifestyle didn't come without side-effects. Mewtwo was starting to go a little stir-crazy, for one thing. A year ago, he would have been content seeing no one. Now, after speaking to Shia on a daily basis, the total lack of outside communication felt uncomfortable. He missed it, although it wasn't something he would admit easily.

Another side effect was that his meals were quick and infrequent. He waited until the others weren't around, then darted out to feed. This was getting frustrating and tiring; Mewtwo was about ready to give up his isolation already. The final thread snapped when a delicious aroma drifted down into the basement from above. What...? He scanned with his mind and, detecting Shia, decided to venture up for just a few minutes.

shia, rl, ic, mewtwo

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