May 17, 2005 22:19
...but I DID get to work with and instruct the new kid tonight in kung fu. Apparently this 13 year old kid and his dad just started a week ago and this was his 3rd class. They tore me away from who I was working with and put me with him because I was the more experienced one so I could help him out. Now mind you, I've only been there for 2 and a half months, and I'm just now picking up the basics. I had to ask and make sure what I was doing was right so that I could show him. Well it actually turns out that I was better than I thought. A few things I had to ask the assistant instructor and my master (who is referred to as "Sifu" by the students and will be known as such in my entries from this day on...and NO it isn't his name, it's his rank, equivalent to "teacher" or "sensei"), but I actually did pretty well in helping this kid out. He got a bit frustrated when he was defending and I was attacking because he was either reacting to early or stepping too wide. I remained patient and told him that it was just his "Oh Shit" reflex at work and just to stay calm and relax. By the end of the class he was actually doing pretty well, so I guess I did a decent job. I left feeling more fullfilled than I ever have in my time there. And, to tell you the truth, I no longer feel like I need to tell the people I'm working with "ok, I'm new, so go easy on me". So yea, that kicked ass. Jeff comes home tomorrow and me, him, Chris and Pat are all going to see Star Wars Episode III at midnight. Then I have off Thursday and Friday...LONG WEEKEND BABY! Kick ass!