Yet again I rage at the BBC and their stupid region lock.
Barrowman, friends in audience, Doctor Who, other epicness. Just. Not. Fair.
kyrina will be sending me a Pudsey through (once I give her the monies) so hurrah!!
I WILL BE IN THE UK FOR CHILDREN IN NEED NEXT YEAR!! (yes I keep on believing the impossible dream... *starts singing "Don't stop believing" ala Glee style*)
I also dyed my hair black today... which didn't go to well (I missed bits), but I'll get over it eventually (or re dye my hair again) I'll see.
Early mid life crisis indeed, what am I? 26 going on 16??
Yes I have a Ianto bear, I luvs him... I also have a Eleventh Doctor, Captain Jack and PC Andy bear but they are all naked and waiting for me to make clothes for them (Ianto bear's outfit is only temporary as well but Eleven's bowtie is in the mail)
Also, Harry Potter was great! I've never been a huge fan (only in passing really) and haven't read past book 3 but I enjoyed it highly, through the very ending scene reminded me of He Man. *don't ask -_-*
Anyway, I did a random meme because I could.
And here it is. RAH!
1. What time did you get up this morning? Morning ha! I'm nocturnal, I awoke at 2.30pm today (after going to sleep at 7.30am the same day)
2. How do you like your steak? Invisible, don't like it
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Harry Potter 7 part 1
4. What is your favorite TV show? Doctor Who, Torchwood, Life on Mars, Glee... lots more
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Cardiff
6. What did you have for breakfast? Peanut butter and cheese on toast Nom Nom
7. What is your favorite cuisine? MUSHROOMS!!
8. What foods do you dislike? Onions
9. Favorite Place to Eat? Yum cha!
10. Favorite dressing? None, I hate dressing... I would actually eat a lot more salad if you could get it WITHOUT dressing
11. What kind of vehicle do you drive? An invisible purple donkey
12. What are your favorite clothes? Do shoes and gloves count? My converse and my black and blue gloves and I guess my Blue Gillespie, Dalek and Transformers Tshirts
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? Japan, the rest of the UK that I missed out on first time (ie: Scotland, Bath, Stonehenge, more of Wales) parts of America (New York, Florida and maybe San Fran), Canada and Europe too. AMSTERDAM!!
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? Whatever
15. Where would you want to retire? Somewhere in the UK, certainly not staying in Australia when the day comes where I will have nothing left to tie me here (ie: family)
16. Favorite time of day? Afternoon
17. Where were you born? Camperdown, Sydney, Australia
18. What is your favorite sport to watch? I find all sport a tad boring, through I do like gymnastics
19. Bird watcher? Not really... I'm more of a people watcher
20. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night person all the fucking way
21. Do you have any pets? A cat called Luna, a bunch of fish and a cage full of zebra finches
22. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? Other than my birthday in less than two weeks and my early mid life crisis... no, not really. I am getting a new phone through, that's kind of exciting
23. What did you want to be when you were little? A nurse
24. What is your best childhood memory? As I get older I'm having trouble remembering... but I guess it would be all the fun times I had playing various things with my sister
25. Are you a cat or dog person? Cats... I'd love a dog but my mum has always said no
26. Are you married? No
30. Always wear your seat belt? Yes... because while I may be depressed alot of the time I actually value my own life
31. Been in a car accident? No
32. Any pet peeves?
The big ones: Igronance, homophobia, people misunderstanding me (happens a bloody lot), conflict and drama
The slightly petty ones: the BBC's region lock, people not wearing wigs when they really need to when cosplaying, fandom drama (looking at you Torchwood), the lack of good cons and guests at Australian conventions, the UK being so FAR away, the money issue
33. Favorite Pizza Toppings? MUSHROOMS AND CHEESE!!!!
34. Favorite Flower? Cherryblossom
35. Favorite ice cream? Cookies and cream are nom
36. Favorite fast food restaurant? I'll admit it... Australian KFC (I make that difference, because UK KFC is shite), it is fast food after all and it tastes good
37. How many times did you fail your drivers license test? I failed my learners test 9 times (the computer test you do to get your learners license) I never made it inside a car, guess I'm not meant to drive
38. From whom did you get your last email? Someone replying to a comment I made on LJ
39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Don't have a credit card... but it would have to be ebay
40. Do anything spontaneous lately? Unless you count dying my hair black in an attempt to either recapture my youth or embrace my inner goth.... not really
41. Like your job? Don't have one
42. Broccoli? Nom Nom? Ok on it's own, but beyond nommy when covered in cheese or in a stir fry
43. What was your favorite vacation? My last one, to the UK via America for a con (Gallifrey 21) I went to London, Blackpool, Manchester, Newcastle and Cardiff. Didn't get to see lots of things due to money but what I did see and do were awesome.
44. Last person you went out to dinner with? My friends: Shaye, Kieron, Snowy, Kat, Shane, Kee and many others for Shaye's 18th. Japanese food was NOM NOM... lots of money was spent however >_<
45. What are you listening to right now? Blue Gillespie: Tripout... for srs yo!
46. What is your favorite color? Purple
47. How many tattoos do you have? None
48. What time did you finish this quiz? 4.39AM xD LOL!
49. Coffee Drinker? Sadly no