Rant: Read your Bible

Nov 12, 2008 19:09

Ok, I have heard all kind so idiotic statements about what the Bible does and does not say. Some of these inane comments have been in regards to prop. 8, some have been in reference to other things. BUT today I heard 3 people (2 live , and one on TV) site their reasons for or against something based on the Ten Commandments. None of the things the people were referencing were in the Ten Commandments. SO as a public service, here is a short summary of the 10 Commandments for those who haven't kept up:

1. No other Gods before God
2. Graven images or idols are no-nos
3. Don't take the name of the Lord in vain
4. Remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy (OH and Christians: That's Saturday not Sunday)
5. Listen to your mom and your dad -- and obey so long as this doesn't cause you to break any of the other 9
6. Murder is distinctly frowned upon
7. So is adultery
8. Ditto stealing
9. And the same goes for telling untruths
10. No coveting the stuff that belongs to other people.

I don't care if you just believe something is right or wrong... but don't site the 10 commandments for everything... if it ain't above it ain't there.


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