Enough is enough

May 22, 2018 12:49

Marriage. Men are so precious about it. Like if it was their virginity. Yes, I agree that people should be married to the right person. But you wouldn't know if the person was right for you unless you take that path together. Sometimes you just need to take a chance. And save your "there are way too many divorces, people don't try hard enough like back in old days, I only want to get married once". Everyone wants to get married once! It's just so happens that sometimes taking chances doesn't work out as planned. And that's okay, you can't predict life. I think in that situation it's better to walk away from dysfunction instead of being miserable out of some misguided principles.
Same goes for kids. "I am not ready. I want financial stability first. My mortgage is not payed out yet". Here is a little secret: nobody is truly prepared for kids, even if it was your dream for years. You just do the best you can and question everything you did when you lie awake at night ☺ Mortgage commitment is about 30 years. Are you going to father a child at 60? No woman in the right mind is going to wait that long. So you dive into your career. You are super successful! You have a nice watch collection and drive a little red sports car at summer time. But when the time comes, what is the extension of yourself will you leave behind to shape the world, to make difference, to continue? Is it going to be your career or your watch? Or maybe a sports car? How arrogant!
I am so sick of philosophical whining of cowards! Grow a pair!
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