well hello strangers...
sorry about that, by the way. but i've kinda moved on. i ended up starting a tumblr, which is really no more "real blog" than livejournal, and in fact i think it's really very similar. except for commenting, which i actually quite enjoy (and which the tumblr developers seem to think is pure evil), it's so much the same. a little community develops among people you follow/people who follow you, and likes/reblogs essentially serve the purpose of commenting.
so anyway, if you'd like to find me there (and i'd love it if you did), please to check out:
http://judiism.tumblr.com/ but if you're too busy to commit to something new, please at least go look briefly at the most recent 2 posts there.
laurenrambles painted a MOST excellent mural on the wall of our baby girl's room. i'll be posting more pics of the room in all its adorably finished glory in the next couple of days when it's, well, finished. (we're just waiting on the glider and ottoman, and a bookshelf.) until then the sneak peak of the mural will have to tide you over! ;-)
and just to give you an update on project baby's-coming-oh-my-goodness-oh-my-goodness... there are only 16 days left until my due date. SIX.TEEN.
that is kind of a scary thought. but also completely exciting and exhilarating and thrilling and joyous. or, at least it will be after i get through the painful labor portion of the program.
most likely i'll post pics on my tumblr instead of here though, so if you're interested...