Here are the rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.
1. how did you and Greg meet?
we met in a bar, when i was there waiting to meet with the manager, to see if they were hiring for bartenders. it was a tuesday night, so i went by myself not really thinking it was much of a social outing, anyway. but since i had only just finished a silly bartending course in town, and had no service experience, i didn't have any resume or anything on me. so i was dressed nice, hoping i could use that and some charm on the manager. or something like that... there really wasn't *all* that much of a plan in place, honestly.
anyway, the manager of the bar never did show up that night, but the bartender i chatted with while waiting kept telling me he'd be there soon, soon. while i waited i started chatting with 2 guys sitting at the bar, just hanging out having a beer. one of them was greg, and when i finally got up to leave, he asked for my number.
2. what is it about Boston you miss most?
i think your answer hits it right on, that it's so much more walkable than nyc. that it's SO much cleaner, good lord. and i'm sure a lot of the missing it is romanticizing the really good times i had in college.
3. why don't you post more in LJ? i mean, bloggy posts rather than dear-diary posts.
i don't have an easy, specific answer to this question, but here are some of the reasons...
- i have SO much that i want to say, that i don't know where to start.
- i wish more people read, and would comment. considering the (too) large number of blogs i read with massive readerships, i wish i could have something like that. (i know in my head that, "if you build it, they will come," or something like that... but still somehow it keeps me from even getting started. a chicken and egg problem, maybe?)
- i am intimidated as all hell, thinking i write like crap. and i know, again, that i would only get better if i "practiced," but i can't seem to get over this non-existent hump, that's all in my head.
4. what was your major in college and why did you choose it?
blarrghh - something i'm dealing with in therapy :-P
i started in CGS (for the non-BU crowd, this stands for College of General Studies, a 2-year gen ed program which was basically high school 2.0; which i thought would give me the opportunity to try things out and find my passion but which really just rushed me into making an even-less informed decision two years later), which was, in retrospect, a bad decision. i can say this because i was one of, like, four morons who actually *applied* to that horrendous program. the funny thing is everyone hated it at the time, and i defended it loudly and vehemently. it was only at the end of the program, scared, confused, and extremely short on time to make a decision, that i realized what a big mistake it had been.
so for reasons that are still largely unknown to me (i can cobble a few reasons together - my boyfriend at the time, my brother's major in college, my parents' careers), i chose the school of management (instead of my originally planned, upon entering BU, school of communication, and a journalism major) and concentrated in management information systems.
WHAT?? yea... i don't really know.
5. and why don't you, too, weigh in on kids and dread. :)
haha well...
i don't so much dread it at all, actually. the only thing i really dread at this point is the fact that money is tight for us right now and i really want to get out from under that before having kids, and what's frustrating is i think i might have them now, or like SOON, if money was no object. i also NEEEEVER thought i'd want to stay-at-home, and i'm still not absolutely sure about it, but i think i'd like it a lot and do well at it. but i also think i'm not sure what i "want" to be doing with my life, so maybe i foolishly believe that will be the "easier" job or will at least put off getting a "real" job. i guess that's a pretty lazy approach to such a big part of adulthood, huh?
anyone else want a go?