Happy Winter Holiday

Dec 26, 2008 12:08

To everyone who celebrates anything in the month of December, Happy Winter Holiday! I hope everyone had a peaceful day/week/fortnight of their choice. And, if you get presents, then I hope you got what you wanted.

It was a good Christmas Eve for me, which, in my family, is when the true festivities are held. Two of my cousins are pregnant, so it was a night of pregnacy stories, baby names, and general squealing. (A little bittersweet for me.) Plus, there were lots of cookies (I am such a cow!) and fudge and, of course, the inevitable family stories. Now that's always fun, although a bit of a broken record. Still, very funny. I feel sorry for the new additions to the family (the in-flux of in-laws we've gotten the last year and a half) who have to get used to the combined Lenzer-Knapke brand of insanity. We're pretty odd.

How was your holiday?
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