Oct 26, 2009 21:35
Sooo my excuse for not writing more on Friday is that Kerry, Emily, and myself may have spent close to 4 hours making a stop motion video. It’s utterly ridiculous and amazing. If it is ever put on youtube I will share. Then, as Kerry and Emily finished editing, I went to play pool with Sara and Zack and managed to beat them both soundly at foosball. It was, for the most part, a good night.
Friday, July 10th: left at some point early in the morning to go with Heidi and Erin to the Bon Bon museum (I was apparently on a museum kick). We decided meeting at IES made sense. Heidi was close to an hour late which was minorly annoying, but as she got there it had begun to downpour. So, because she was soaked, neither of us said anything. We waited out the downpour and made our way over to the building. This building was closed for the summer so we checked out the bookstore instead. I enjoyed it. I was pretty ridiculously tempted to buy a set of Jasper Fforde books because I love them, but I was pretty broke at this point so I didn’t. This saddens me still. Stupid money.
Anyway from here we had decided to check out the Bugatti and Ferrari places because cars are cool. By the time we made it up to the street it was pouring again. Berlin weather is a lot like Tacoma weather, it makes little to no sense and can hail, snow, rain, and sun in the course of about ten minutes and these freak summer rains are the norm. Right, cars.
So we took illegal photos of the Ferrari and then hit up the Bugatti place, which is apparently part of a mall that I had no idea was there. I am not a shopper and thus didn’t care to find any malls in the area. So we explored the mall anyway once we had finished. I am a walking contradiction.
The mall was actually really interesting because there was a nifty art exhibit being shown. Lots of colors and glitter, obviously I was amused by this. We then took lots of illegal photos of the art from the second floor because photos in the exhibit were forbidden. There was a glittery Michael Jackson
There was also a Boy Scout troop from …Scotland…Ireland… pretty accent land…somewhere. And they were wearing kilts. I may have taken a photo of them too. Maybe. It was worth the being creepy to be able to prove that the Boy Scout uniform in other countries does, in fact, include a kilt.
After the illegal activities we went to this weird little store and played with all the weird stuff they sold. Think Spencer’s but more random and weird. This was also well documented. We also went to the cooking section of the mall and the clothing section and giggled at mannequins with pink cotton candy hair and fabulously bad clothing articles and advertisements. There was also a huge cone thing that lit up and a tower of crushed cars.
Afterwards we headed over to Alexanderplatz to meet up with John for dinner. He ended up not showing because he had no idea how to find us. This is, honestly, a little ridiculous because it’s freaking Alexanderplatz and we were by the world clock. But, we were kind of with this because there was a festival, Berlin Lacht, going on and it was distracting and interesting. I bought an XXL doughnut. It was larger than my head. I was incredibly pleased with it. We also watched a few of the performances and giggled.
We eventually made it to the potato restaurant and ordered food. Heidi and I decided to share their big platter of potato and meat and when we ordered our waitress told us how brave we were for attempting this. She wasn’t kidding. It was huge and served with a sparkler. It was pretty much the most amazing thing I have ever been served. And the potatoes were fabulous!
After dinner I headed home and Heidi and Erin went to meet up with Sadie and a few others for something or other.
I have chocolate written in my “notes” and have no idea why. Possibly because the hot chocolate was once again absolutely to die for. Who knows.
Next up: Kelsey attends a concert and is nearly suffocated on a bus!
Love and Hugs,