Starting right in:
Thursday, July 9th: I had made plans with John and Cindy previously to visit the Ramones Museum that was just around the corner from the IES center. I’m going to tell you right now it’s a total tourist trap and we all knew that going in. But we all got cool buttons out of it, so it works out in the end.
So yea, we met up after Cindy and John got out of class and went to the museum and gained entrance for like 3 Euros. This 3 Euros bought us each a button! I am eternally amused by tickets that are actually buttons or something. I am easily amused.
So the museum is actually like half of a floor and pretty much just some guy’s random collection of stuff and a video. They did have some nifty stuff like report cards and set lists. We finished up looking relatively quickly and then hung out on the decorative steps inside and read the books and magazines they had set out. All in all we were there for around two hours or so.
After the museum John invited us to go to the Neue Nationalgalarie with him that evening. He had been planning on seeing the Bilder Träume exhibit. So I told him I’d meet him there and we all went our separate ways.
I’m pretty sure I invited Erin to come with and met up with her to get there together. So we arrived and found John and went in. Apparently this exhibit was a special exhibit so it was not a free on Thursdays thing, so Erin left to go to a different museum and John and I went in.
There were several interesting pieces, like the mobiles and a few paintings that I don’t quite remember. They also had a few Dali things if I remember correctly. <- that is the link to see some of the paintings and painters that were there. I left my pamphlet at home so that’s the best I can do for you.
After the museum John and I headed back to my place and hung around for a little bit until he went to meet up with some people to drink. I declined going and did whatever until bed.
I am now really distracted by the super drama of Grey’s Anatomy that Kerry is watching and I need dinner. More soon!
Love and Hugs,