Random thoughts...

Oct 22, 2007 04:10

I have the urge to write, but making a To-Do list for tomorrow just didnt cut it.

I don't know what to call this "thing" that's going on in my life. I don't know what it is, but I like it. I'm making changes for the better these days.

I've been more focused on my school work, I haven't had the urge to go out anymore, I've been going to church (even if I have to go alone...5 weeks and counting, go me), and I don't feel the need to spend a ton of money on unnecessary things like clothes/shoes (I'm making saving money my new hobby). Things are just different.

I don't know if I'm just growing up (that's kind of scary to admit) or what. Prime example, Amanda and I went to an on campus event one night (only because they were serving food) and when we sat down and looked around, we were like, "who are these people?" I didn't know (or had never even seen) about 3/4's of the people there. Everybody there were underclassmen. We left after about 15 minutes (the food was good though, LOL). I'm just over the whole need to "see and be seen" thing. I don't care who "sees" me and I definitely don't care about seeing other people. I'm no longer concerned with knowing a ton of people or making myself well known. Who cares? This could also be the reason why going out to clubs/parties around here is not a must any more.

I'm more focused on getting myself together; getting Coty right. None of that other crap matters any more.

Also, I've been okay with "flying solo." Not that it's NEVER been a huge deal, but I'm perfectly content with just being really good friends with my "main squueze, significant other, whatever you wanna call him." We've already promised to be "best friends forever" (that's so cheesy) no matter what. He's a good guy, trying to do the right thing...he's just good company and I'm not asking for anything more.

I'm okay with who I am. I no longer have the desire to "keep up with the Jones'." Keeping up with me is just fine! I set my own trends and lead my own life. I'm not changing who I am; I'm still the funny, fun-loving, adventerous person, just new and improvedMy focus is doing the things that are going to make me a better person...and that is all!!

Okay, I'm done. I don't know what made me go all Dr. Phil on ya'll anyway, but I needed to get it out. Anywho, I'll be back next time with the usual picture posts (I'm on my Sidekick right now, so text only). Until then, I'm out gone like T.I.'s common sense!!
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