Niffling Schmuck

Jun 06, 2005 14:41

1. I've been Niffled here at FictionAlley for my Cho fic. I'd be lying if I said that I'm not flattered, but the fic in question is one I wrote a long time ago and sort of wanted to forget about. It isn't my best, either, and nor is it particularly good (and believe me, I am NOT being modest). I keep revising and revising it but there's just too damn much of ME in it for comfort; maybe it's a form of narcissism that everything I write is more or less a self-portrait of myself, and one that's not very flattering either.

A reviewer mentioned to me once that my fics are all melancholy and end with an unfinished feel, and I don't know why that is but it's true. I suppose it's cause I tend to start things, lotsa things, that I never finish or finish crappily.

The Niffler did say some truly wonderful things that I really appreciate, and I suppose it's enough that she, at least, thinks that it's worth Niffling.

2. More Niffling stuff; I've posted my second art Niffle here. It's a picture I really love and the artist's other work is mind-blowing (though not all HP-related). Go check it out. Now. I command you with all the power of my 5'4" body.

3. Even more Niffling crap. I know there's been some recent controversy over one of the recent fic Niffles, where the author's fandom reputation was brought into the light. I can understand if someone doesn't like the quality of the fic itself, but I don't see why the author's political views or whatnot should matter; the entire purpose of Niffling is to reward work you find outstanding, and yes, even work by jackasses.

4. More Niffling schmuck. I've been looking through the Fics to be Niffled database, and a few of you lovelies are in there! I can't wait until I can bombard you all with outrageous flattery and compliments.

5. I've been tagged three times to do this meme, so I suppose I have to. :) Don't laugh, please -

List your 6 favorite songs and then 6 people you want to do the same.

Mmm, these are my current favourite songs -

1. everything in Puccini's Madame Butterfly
2. everything by Kylie Minogue
3. everything in Hercules
4. everything in the Hunchback of Notre Dame
5. everything in Sleeping Beauty
6. the entire Alice in Wonderland screenplay (does this count as a song?)

Eh, anyone see a theme here?

I think everyone on my flist has already done this meme, but if you haven't, consider yourself tagged. :)

ETA: And OMG HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUXI!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!
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