Nov 16, 2006 04:43
Kyu Gy: i have a confession to make to you
Kyu Gy: i'm excited about you going to wisconsin
crazyreesie: Why?
Kyu Gy: now, hear me out on this
Kyu Gy: I mean, yes, there's that part of me that's a good friend that is stoked to see you moving to be with someone that makes you happy, someplace where you can start a great life for yourself
Kyu Gy: but then....
Kyu Gy: then there's the part of me that is so excited that you will be living in wisonsin, not only for the novelty factor that i will have friends in wisconsin, but for the fact that, in theory, i could ask you to mail me wisconsin cheese and it would be feasible for you to do so
Kyu Gy: and that is my confession to you
crazyreesie: Haha! A great life for myself... in Wisconsin?
Kyu Gy: I like Wisconsin a lot more than Georgia, I'm biased
crazyreesie: Milwaukee has nothing, though!
crazyreesie: It's not exactly a place to start a great life for myself! In my future in-laws' guest bedroom!
Kyu Gy: Happy Days took place in Milwaukee
crazyreesie: And That 70s Show.
crazyreesie: And the beginning of Dogma.
Kyu Gy: well, i'll tell you, personally, if i were given a choice of having to find work and live in goergia or wisconsin, i'd choose wisconsin.....nicer people, better food, and a better outlook on life
crazyreesie: There are no jobs, though.
Kyu Gy: Because the economy of Georgia is booming?
crazyreesie: No, in Milwaukee.
Kyu Gy: do realize though that in the course of the alst year you've said that about every major and most of the minor american cities?
Kyu Gy: Listen, I just have a hunch on this one
Kyu Gy: I can't explain it, but I think this is going to be really good for you
Verruckt66: No point in wasting time thinking about what ifs.
crazyreesie: True.
Verruckt66: I do that sometimes... it never goes well.
crazyreesie: I do it constantly.
crazyreesie: It's a horrible habit.
Verruckt66: Haha
Verruckt66: Yep, it sure as hell is.
crazyreesie: I was a lot better about it over the summer... Wes changed my outlook on a lotof things.
crazyreesie: Then Atlanta changed it all back.
Verruckt66: Hopefully he will be able to change it back again.
crazyreesie: He has already started to.
Verruckt66: Good
crazyreesie: He's going a little crazy trying to make it easy on me... understanding why I needed to sstay here a few extra days, trailering my car back... he's even moving into the basement so I can have his old room, because I told him I was uncomfortable taking over his mom's computer room.
Verruckt66: Wes is just that kind of guy.
I went to R. Thomas with Andy last night (one of the few things about Atlanta I am really going to miss--a 24-hour health food restaurant that seats its diners outdoors under a permanent tent and lines the side of the building with cages housing tropical birds). Our conversation stirred something in me--a few years ago, I was talking about being "happy as a clam" in reference to my experience in Vermont. In light of the fact that happiness in Vermont was a bald-faced lie that he saw right through, he said, "Don't say that. Clams are happy because they never move. They just sit there."
My good friends are few and far between, but they rock. Yes, in the back of my mind, I've still got reservations about this... but fuck it, no looking back now. I am not going to half-ass this next stage of my life. I know I am doing the right thing and that it will all work out. Not because I think love will conquer all, but because I really believe I am capable of tackling this and coming out on top. There's a list, a LONG list, of elements of living in Wisconsin that genuinely excite me. And truth be told, I can't wait to attend Andy's race on Saturday and then get the hell out of here. Still, it's just something in me that makes me downplay whatever confidence my friends show in me and in my situation. I think I am too afraid of letting down the few people who matter.
So all this was swirling through my head tonight. It's cold and rainy in Atlanta. I'm sitting on my cockroachy hardwood floow with my laptop and a few days' worth of clothes. For some reason, I thought it would be a good idea to queue up the Fiona Apple and Bjork duet of "Leaving on a Jet Plane," which nearly had me in tears.
Have I always been this melodramatic? And is that better or worse than simply admitting I'm scared shitless?