Sep 28, 2013 18:44
in lieu of starting yet another new blog i don't really want to share with anyone, i've returned to old faithful to try out this blogging thing for reals, for now.
as a seasonal freelance creative movement professional, my bank account has a tendency towards shrinking. this time of year is notoriously awful and, for some reason, i have no savings from the summer. i blame two things: quarterly tax payments (though much preferable to paying in one lump sum in april) and the fact that i spent roughly $500 in the last month to help my boyfriend get on his feet in a new apartment. (more on that later.)
after overdrawing my bank account several times last week, my latest paycheck did little to quell my fears of destitution. rent was due the day before payday, and with less than a month's rent of cushion in my savings account, i was already operating at a deficit when the money came into my hands. as such, drastic measures must be taken.
...should i choose to accept it (from myself): live on $20 a day (or less). in new york fucking city. for twenty days... or for as long as i can handle it and/or build up some semblance of savings again.
now, i know this conversation is fraught (at least in my mind) of questions of privilege. yes, i have a small savings to my name, more than many. yes, i am gainfully (though often frustratingly) employed. yes, there are large segments of this city, nation, and world who live on wildly less than $20 a day. but it's a challenge to myself to become more financially responsible at a time when i'm also trying to eat healthier, cook at home, exercise more, maintain a social life, and find some kind of work/life/inner peace balance overall. so, if this whole thing doesn't seem like just another self-indulgent hipster blog, feel free to follow along.
costs not included in $20 daily budget:
utility bills ($100/month) and metrocards ($50/month). necessary and unavoidable.
fitness classes (yoga, ice skating) ($220/month). i don't want to discourage myself from doing these things, so i've considered them "before budget," though i will create a total with them as well.
currently, i hold the following cards in my favor: a fairly well-stocked pantry, two days worth of chinese food leftovers in my fridge, a citibike for free & easy transportation, a boyfriend who insists on eating out... but also insists on buying dinner.
penchant for shopping: lululemon, shoes, clothes, you name it. numerous outdoor festivals/street fairs that always seem to pop up and eat all the money in my pocket. friends who enjoy meeting for food and drink (which i very much enjoy!). $14 packs of cigarettes (please, spare me the lecture).
saturday, september 28
spent: $20 ($30 counting metrocard & lame sandwich)
exercised: 15 minutes on bike
not counting the ridiculously expensive (and not ridiculously yummy) sandwich i had for lunch (before this $20 plot was hatched), i'm right on the money today. my plan, after a stressful morning and day of work, was to hit up the dumpling festival on the lower east side and to get a massage in chinatown before heading to a free nolafunk concert at the seaport. i was hoping to spend $10 on dumplings, $30 on massage (half hour, including tip), and probably $20 on drinks at the show. the dumplings ended up being $20 (had to buy one ticket that included four tastings, no individual tickets) so i decided to forego the massage. looks like i'll be foregoing the show too... exhaustion has set in and an evening of sex & the city (on vhs, classic old school) and catching up on some reading sounds like the best way to recover.