So, my video store is officially closing at the end of this year.
WTF am I supposed to do now?!Blah. I wish there were more "entertainment" jobs around here. (Not the dirty kind. The TV/Movie industry kind.) It's what I am most invested in. The video store has been my life for 11 years! That's a long freakin' time. I stayed forever because it was
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Beautiful day here in Massachusetts! Too bad I'm stuck inside this empty video store with nothing to do but refresh LJ and Twitter. I mean, there's probably something I could do.. But, do work?! Meh. Not in the mood
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As usual... it's been forever since I updated this. I feel like such a creeper when I just go on LiveJournal to do community things. And not just Community, the show! lol. I mean, LIvejournal communities in general. Anyways. Looks like things are starting to change a bit in my neck of the woods. I am driving now. (No license yet, but I have a test
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Haven't posted in forever............. Yea. I still need a job. The only difference is, now I want to move to California. Damn Comic-Con! Same shit, different day!
I'm really only posting so that I can use my new mood theme by crackers4jenn!
At work, but not working. Just here to hang out. How lame is that!? But at least we are watching Sherlock Holmes. That makes me happy. (That must be why I hang out here. We can watch movies, and I don't feel like a hermit for sitting in my house to do it.)
Just preordered my copy of Community. It doesn't even have a release date yet. lol. But I knew I would have to have it! I actually didn't even pay anything for it because I ordered it with a gift certificate that my boss gave me for my birthday. Sweet deal if ya ask me!
I don't understand why I can't keep up with this journal. Probably cuz I have never been able to! I have a gazillion journals started from when I was a kid. But I think the longest journal I have on record is like 4 weeks. My bad
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