If you steal this, I will come after you (no joke)

Nov 12, 2005 14:34

This just shows that not much has changed. Mind you, I haven't read the first one in, probably, two years. The second one is the first in about four or five years. I was trying to make it all pretty, by putting it in columns, or at least centering it, but I can't figure out this journal format. And, don't try to write something in Microsoft Word, and paste it into the journal. It messes everything all up. Those bastards!

TV Reflects Our People

By: Jon Woodruff

What could make people so lazy?
What could it be?
I can tell you right now.
It’s that box we call TV.
People around the world watch it,
Every day and night.
While being shone upon,
By its pale, dim light.
People seem to be clueless.
They just sit there and stare.
They seem to have no problems,
Seem to be without a care.
While sitting there with their children,
Letting their brains go numb,
The next day they sit and wonder,
Why their children act so dumb.
TV is nothing but bad news,
And made-up, pretend, lives.
And pointless educational shows,
Or some guy selling knives.
What does this say about our people?
What does this really show?
That people are amazed by anything,
Even a box that can glow.


TV Part II

By: Jon Woodruff

Don’t listen to me,
For I have nothing to say.
Their words are more important,
Than my words, anyway.
These words of fictional characters,
With made-up, pretend, lives.
The morons who eat worms,
And the desperate cheating wives.
From Japanese animation,
To obviously biased news,
And the homes of NBA stars,
With their own line of shoes.
Nobody seems to care,
What I think about these shows,
But I only have one thing left to say.
Fuck that box that glows.
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