Jul 27, 2005 16:37
bah technology sucks. Everything seems to be going wrong these days. I loose my MSN that ive had for like 8 years because it sucks...i lost all my contacts in my phone book in my cell phone because my screen doesnt work and most recently i cant get in to the U of T website because of password problems(which i actually got resolved). I hope what emily says is true that all the bad things are happening at the beginning of the month and the rest of my month will be perfect but yeah i dont know if i believe that lol. I just got the new coldplay album and wow its fantastic. Its far better than anything i imagined it would be. I highly recommend it to anyone. I have a pretty busy week though, tomorrow im giving blood, friday im working and on saturday im goin out which should rock. And sunday im sure ill be spending that day with my aunt whom im ditching saturday night when she flies in lol.