Feb 06, 2006 23:24
Wow, this has been a wild weekend! It's been craziness. I'm currently in lexington with my brohers and they're watching the super bowl, which I don't care much about, but I enjoy the company. So I figured while their eyes were glued to the tv I would write. I'd like to go hang out with some friends that are fairly close, but after this weekend, I don't feel like driving for a couple of days. lol.
well as you can see from the title, yes, we had a wreck this weekend. And it was in my mom's lexus....whoops. But It's okay cause we werent hurt and the car wasn't hurt wither thankfully. Maybe my bros pride was the only wound. We were headed up to columbus to my cousins wedding. We were almost there. my bro was driving and we got on a hairpin curve a bit too fast, (try about 80 mph fast) and we went out of control and smashed into a imbankment (spelling?). Thankfully it had rained this weekend so the mud softened the blow tremendously. But we got stuck in the mud so we had to wait and we though we might miss the wedding (boohoo). But thankfully someone behind us spun out, and they were in a huge truck and he had the stuff to pull us out of the mud. So I will say Ohio has come up slightly in my book because several people stopped to see if we were okay or if we needed to call anyone. I stil wouldn't wanna live up there though. And yeah, we went to the wedding, it was a small simple wedding but pretty. I was suprised though that there weren't many younger people there.
Oh my uncle is such an ass. (sorry for the derogitory language but it's true) I called him and told him we wrecked and that we were okay but we may be late cause we have to wait for a tow truck to come pull us out. And he said and I quote "well we maybe gone when you get here, so when you get here make sure you take of your shoes and roll up your pants cause we just had new hardwood floors put in and they're not cured yet" I'm just kinda in shock....We had a wreck, and he was worried about his stupid floors getting dirty. Oh and then after the wedding he asked us if we were going to the reception cause he made reservations for us. We said we would and he told the guys they didn't have to wear a tie, so jason took off his tie and just unbottoned the top button of his shirt to get more comfortable...then morris says "You can't take off your shirt because the reception is a collared event." we just stared at him like...WTF? I mean we may not be rich, but we're not retarded. We're not gonna get his stupid floors dirty and jason's not gonna go into the country club without a shirt on! We didn't even get to talk to the bride...which wasn't too much of a suprise.....wait I take it back. She came over to me and handed me a dessert and said "take this to the worker over there and have them put it in the freezer"
The two sides of my family are sooooo different. Dad's side is soooo materialistic and think we're just the poor country folk and since we're not wealthy like them we are stupid. And mom's side of the family, we are considered family and are loved and know it.
On a positive note though, my aunt was the nicest she's ever been to me...but of course she was completely smashed! She came over to me and was telling me to go over to her friend and tell them I went to pharmacy school and graduated and move up there and be close to her and so on. Just completely wasted. It was rather funny to see.
But anyways, we went there, to the reception, and then we headed back down here to lexington. Today we just hung out around here with josh, it's been good to hang out with my brothers. They are the best brothers ever, cause we are such good friends! So we've laughed, told stories on each others, and just been enjoying each other's company.
The Brothers Grimm movie sucks
The ameriquest commercials played during the superbowl were the best!
We made it home safe and sound and the car didn't fall apart.
Oh and I had dinner with a good family friend and her cousin is in with the lab at one of the local hospitals and he said he'd talk to some people and keep an eye out for me so that's a lil positive news. Even if nothing becomes of it I had a good time tonight getting to know them...which I went to school with their son so we got to talk to him a little. And his mom went to Berea so she and I had something to talk about.
All in all for the most part it was a good weekend. I don't care if I ever go back up to columbus for anything ever again, but I at least got to spend quality time with my brothers which doesn't happen too often anymore.
Much love to you all!